What's this all about?

I have now owned my Morris Minor for 10 years. When I aquired her she was in bits so I embarked on a long and endless journey of education about these wonderful cars - with the aid of my Dad and various other Morris Minor enthusiasts who are always willing and eager to work on the fabulous cars! I have much experience of using the various publications on offer when carrying out maintenance/repairs on Moffy. They have included the ever popular 'Haynes Manual', the Morris Minor 1000 Workshop Manual, and the Glovebox edition of the Handbook. But all of these don't seem to include stuff I have needed to fix/break/cry over during the years. Also they can be quite difficult to follow for a lay person who isn't a mechanic in their spare time! So I have finally got round to doing this webblog that will hopefully serve to provide information/source of amusement to anyone who is having similar problems with their MM with details and photos as I go about maintaining/improving(hopefully) Moffy.

Thursday, November 4

Rub a Dub in the Tub

Yup here it is, finally got round to it. Just when I thought I had the time to do this little venture it disappeared. Still to be getting on with I shall introduce you to someone very important in Moffy's life - Toby, full name Toby Parker. Toby is 2 and a bit, he is Moffy's biggest fan and enjoys nothing more than playing in her for as long as I have the patience! He is already learning the basics of car maintenance - last week he asked to "put water in 'aditor" - not bad for a 2 year-old whom I had only shown the radiator twice before!

Toby came round last week and helped me give Moffy a much needed wash. It was cold, raining a bit and windy but do you think that put him off......

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